I offer my sincere thanks and apologies to Velky Al for the gift of this bottle of wonderful Primator 16. My thanks because a beer given by a discerning beer lover is certain to be well researched and it was very kind of him to think of me during his visit to Ireland, but I must apologise for allowing it to languish in my beer fridge for so long. But that's how thing roll at the Black Cat Brewery; beers often disappear into the back of cupboards and fridges where they sit for an indefinite period of time, but they are never far from my thoughts. I just need the right occasion to enjoy them. On this cold night, weary after a game of squash, and sitting before a roaring (gas) fire the time seemed right. I have little experience with this type of beer, but my memories of a visit to Prague were vividly brought to the fore when I stuck my nose in the glass. It doesn't smell like other lagers, the body is richer and very satisfying and there is no DMS to speak off which was the only prediction I made for this beer, thinking perhaps that a strong lager would be strong in all lager aspects. In fact it is smooth with almost cask like carbonation, understated hops and not much alcohol really - surprising given the 7.5% swimming around in the glass. The Beer Nut was also gifted a bottle of this tasty beer, but his encyclopaedic beer knowledge provides it a place in the beer family tree, which sadly I cannot do.
Thanks again Al. Hopefully someday I can return the favour.
Family tree? It's less tracing its ancestry and more telling it it looks like a bloke I saw on the bus once.
Still better than I can do.
i've been after some of this stuff for a while - good score!
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