I couldn't resist this beer when I spotted it today. The blue bottle drew my attention, but on closer inspection I noted the beer within appeared green. When I fished it from the fridge I discovered it was a wheat beer and the green colour was merely a curious illusion resulting from the hazy beer within interacting with the blue glass doing funny things with photons. Along with these optical antics the beer has appeal because it is Dutch and while my beer knowledge isn't as encylopeadic as some, I'm sure we don't see much in the way of beer from The Netherlands in Ireland (except the obvious, of course).
Upon a bit of reading and tasting it turned out to be a wit beer with plenty of spice and herbs and somewhat warming. The head shrank to nothing very shortly after pouring which was a little disappointing, but it has quite a collection of grains in it including spelt, rye, wheat and barley. I think I can detect the drying affect of the rye which is nicely quenching.
The furry guy on the bottle is a 'Korenwolf' - a hamster indigenous to the Maastricht hills where this beer is brewed. He sounds much feircer than he really is.
Blue glass: as skunkogenic as green?
I knew you'd be the one to ask. If I can call to mind a graph of relative absorbance values I studied last year, I beleive blue lies somewhere between green and brown in the skunking stakes. I thought I detected the faintest whiff, but it could have been psychsomatic because I have issues with skunking, as you are well aware. Green is certainly a no no. My Centennial ale is undrinkable out of a green bottle that is permitted to languish in the daylight.
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